Thursday 12 September 2019



"Shall I or should I or will I or what?
Can I or could I or might I or not?"...
She gets in a dither, whatever the cause is,
Her life just a series of long pregnant pauses.


Hesitant adj. 1. wavering, hesitating, or irresolute. 2. reluctant (to do something) - hesitantly adv. - hesitation n. - hesitatingly adv.

Wednesday 11 September 2019



This ant that I know,
A meticulous beau,
Is a slave to the mirror he keeps.
(He needs it on hand
To check he looks grand) -
How often this little beau peeps!


Elegant adj. 1. tasteful in dress, style or design. 2. dignified and graceful. 3. cleverly simple; ingenious: an elegant solution. (16th century: from  L elegans tasteful)



The world is his oyster,
Within it he'll roam -
He loves it to pieces,
It's the walls of my home...


Itinerant adj. 1. itinerating. 2. working for a short time in various places, esp. as a casual labourer. n 3. an itinerant worker or other person. [From LL itinerari to travel, from L iter a journey]

Tuesday 10 September 2019



"Why am I here
(And why aren't I there)
And what is the point of existence?"
He turned to a fly
And asked of him "why?"
But the latter could give no assistance.


Meant vb. the past tense and past participle of mean: to intend to convey or express, to denote or connote; signify; represent; - the meaning of life (not known)

Sunday 11 August 2019



"He'll need a new antenna, nurse,
His left one's rather poor -
For since he broke it Tuesday last
He can't get Channel 4!"


Transplant vb. 1. (tr.) to remove or transfer (esp. a plant) from one place to another. 2. (intr.) to be capable of being transplanted. 3. SURGERY: to transfer (an organ or tissue) from one part of the body or from one person to another. -n.



The blades of the mower
Could not have been lower,
But the ant was as cool as could be:
He wallowed in clover
As the mower flew over,
And continued to dream of his tea.


Defiant adj. 1. openly or boldly resistant to authority, opposition or power. 2. rising to a challenge.

turf accountANT


Shouting odds
With all his force
His voice was fading fast,
Till he himself,
A little hoarse,
Was entered in the last.


Turf accountant n. Brit. a formal name for a bookmaker, a person who as an occupation accepts wagers, esp. on horse races, and pays out to betters who get the better of him.